What is the biggest professional challenge that you face in your role as a principal?
There are many challenges. The biggest of them is man-management. Every individual is different. It requires a lot of skills, psychological acumen and decision making to be successful as a principal. Also, the impact of changing values and social norms is affecting the entire system. It is challenging to strike balance between our values and youthful exuberance. It is difficult but attainable.
Once a teacher always a teacher. Do you agree?
Yes, a teacher is always a teacher. That is the only profession where there is no place for envy. If a new shop opens next to an existing shop, competition and envy creep in. But if a student becomes successful, his teachers always take pride in his achievements. That is the beauty of being a teacher.
Success has become an obsession with people of all ages nowadays. Your comments?
I often say, “never try to defeat people, always try to win people”. For a doctor, saving someone’s life is a success but isn’t a soldier putting his life for the country successful? Sometimes even losing something for the right cause is success. We invest our time, energy and skills for achieving something. But if that doesn’t bring you peace and tranquility, will you still call yourself successful? It is not only about scoring high marks, but also how you apply the knowledge for the benefit of mankind. That is real success.
What emphasis do you put on teacher training?
Training and updating knowledge is an integral part of a teacher’s life. Trends, culture, hobbies, teaching methods, skills, techniques, everything is changing. Basics remain the same but adjusting with the changing times helps a teacher. For this continuous training, research and development is the order of the day. Apart from skill development, it is also important to change the mindsets of teachers.
What in your view is GenNext’s biggest strength? Which are the key areas of improvement?
In my opinion, the GenNext is fearless in asking questions. Because of the explosion of information available to them on the internet, they are sometimes way ahead of their teachers. This is where teachers need to be alert and equipped. There is a thin line between “information” and “knowledge”. The room for improvement is in guiding them to choose the right information from the ocean in front of them.
How can the elderly contribute to a student’s growth?
Growth can be physical, psychological, mental and emotional growth, combined with educational. Physical growth triggers emotional and psychological changes that need to be observed and monitored by elders to guide students properly. Instead of forcing or pressurising them, elders can take students into confidence and explain to them the pros and cons of certain habits, careers or professions. Their role is more vital as a facilitator and guide than a dictator.
What according to you is the role of media in education?
Role of media in education is very important. Audio-visual teaching techniques are easy to understand, comprehend and retain. Concepts are easily understood through these techniques but too much dependence won’t help. Students could be encouraged to take up meaningful projects with the help of information available to them. Ideas could be evolved, conceptualized and processed using the media.