What is the biggest professional challenge that you face in your role as a principal?
Maintaining discipline and implementing school management system is my main focus area. It is also my duty to recruit competent and talented staff and evaluate their performance periodically and suggest the ways for improvement. It is my responsibility to inculcate moral values, ethos and punctuality among students.
Once a teacher always a teacher. Do you agree?
The job of a teacher is to mould the young minds. A teacher creates and shapes a child’s future. A teacher not only imparts information from the books but also introduces a child to technology. A teacher plays roles of a counsellor, friend, actor and many more. Teaching is the noble profession where people respect you always.
Success has become an obsession with people of all ages nowadays. Your comments.
Longing for success is human nature but when it becomes an obsession it can ruin one’s mental health. An obsession creates a negative impact on your life. One should try to understand the reality of the situation and plan out their priorities.
What emphasis do you put on teacher training?
Teacher training is important for educational reforms as we are preparing our students to face the new challenges in their life. When teachers upgrade their skills, they upgrade students.
What in your view is GenNext’s biggest strength? Which are the key areas of improvement?
Their biggest strength is their availability of all kinds of knowledge and advanced technology by their side. They have access to multiple sources of knowledge and zeal to experiment with life and studies.
How can the elderly contribute to a student’s growth?
The presence of a grandfather or a grandmother in their lives can enhance their character and integrity. They can inculcate the qualities of love, tolerance, patience and kindness among the young ones.
What according to you is the role of media in education?
Most schools have adopted technology in their core curriculum and teaching. Students learn how to use the Internet in a productive way.