Education envisages a close integration between the school and community. With the serious problem of mounting educated unemployed young men and women and growing unrest among the students, reorientation of the educational system based on vocationalisation seems to be the need of the 21st century.
NEP 2020 also recommends incorporation of vocational skills into school curriculum to attain 50% vocational education exposure for children by 2025. It also recommends credit-based framework to ensure vertical and horizontal pathways envisaged for the students.
Integrating and mainstreaming vocational education with prevailing education is the key to reform the education at skill system of the country for overall gains at the student, community and economy levels.
With the vision of our chairman Dr. A.F. Pinto, we, at Ryan International School, Greater Noida, believe in KASSAM (Knowledge, Attitude, Skill Building, Social and Moral Responsibility) and emphasize on skill building and character building with a purpose of instilling in our students a scientific outlook, experimental attitude, moral spirit as well as social, economic and political understanding.
Skill education and vocational skills hold prominence and to punch it further focus is laid more on attitudinal changes in the students towards manual work by indulging them in various activities based on the ‘learning by doing’ concept.
The students are given relevant and continuous exposure to the school laboratories and hands-on experience where they get opportunities to put the acquired knowledge to practical use. Project-based learning enables them to master mutual co-operation, solve problems, think critically, communicate effectively and be well aware of the evolved learning techniques.
We make conscious effort of not equating education to theoretical knowledge rather we modernize it as skill-based learning with technology and extend students an opportunity to acquire global skills by indulging in projects with their peers all across the globe so that they get the insight of the world work cultures and demands.
The students are made to participate in outdoor activities wherein they can learn through surveys and observation. This helps them work in teams, share ideas, collaborate and have the sense of doing together. They are engaged into well-defined activities which are purposeful. This helps them groom their motor skills, cognitive skills, logical and analytical skills.
The secondary and senior level is a discovery stage. Young learners are left to discover their own potential and passion through well structured tinkering lab activities. The students are made to pursue their talent with their own inspiration through vibrant space stocked with facilities for various skills in these discovery labs. They are also trained on essential core skills: IT, AI, web designing, robotics, digital art, 3D printing, working models as science project through various vocational club activities, which give the students a basic platform to understand various disciplines and flexibility to take informed decisions.
The school also gives the students a platform wherein they get ample chance to involve themselves in activities of their interest like creative art form whether it be nail art, doodling, embroidery, rangoli or an art form which ignites the cognitive and collaborative skills like pottery and sculptor making, graffiti wall art.
The students’ interpersonal skills are sharpened by indulging them in application based learning ideology.
Ryan Greater Noida firmly believes that integration of skill education and vocational skills should be incorporated or assimilated in school curriculum as education though invigorates the mind of youth but skill and vocational training is the only means of empowerment for the progeny.
Sudha Singh, principal, Ryan International School, Greater Noida