The entire world has been struggling with a common enemy, i.e. coronavirus. Before the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic catastrophe, nobody ever thought that life would turn upside down in a jiffy; but unfortunately, it did. And among all the things that affected us the most is the way we educate our children - the education system.
However, thanks to technological development and digitalization - the education system doesn’t have to go through a complete halt. The schooling is being conducted from the respective places of the teachers and students by the schools. In this era of modernisation, the world is moving forward with smart technology and phenomenal digital advancement, which are indeed helping to curb the impact of Covid-19 pandemic.
At this time, we at Deep Public School is more concerned about the students’ mental health than that of their curriculums. Supplementally, to make things even worse – coronavirus has also taken away their outdoor activities, playtime, and friends.
Our faculty is trying its best to look after the students’ psychic pressure, along with focusing on enlightening their creativity and other vital skills. Also, I would like to highlight the parents’ role which is crucial in this situation. Firstly, parents must interact with their kids and make them believe that everything will be fine. They should explain to them that the researchers all over the world are working to find the vaccine that will bring back life to normal.
The parents should observe their kids’ thinking processes and problem-solving skills, and if possible, indulge them in mind-bending activities with them.
Apart from that, they (the parents) should also spend some quality time with their children as it will help strengthen the parent-child bond and let them know how much they love them. As much as mental health, it is essential to keep children physically fit. So the parents should either motivate them to do workout or ask them to lend a helping hand to them (parents).
It’s time to redefine our education system, where we all are a part of the teaching community. I hope that when schools reopen and coronavirus scare is gone - all the educators will see a new ray of education that is brighter and stronger than ever.
Neena Singh is the vice principal, Deep Public School, Vasant Kunj. The views expressed are personal.