What's the biggest professional challenge that you face in your role as a principal?A principal provides strategic direction to the school system with the support of the management. There are a lot of parameters to be followed to run a school successfully. It is a triangular set up where parents, teachers and students are involved in the carrying out of their responsibilities; and it needs continuous monitoring. Being a heterogeneous set up, we can't go with a single formula. We have to adopt different methods at different times. The solution to each problem has to be sorted and carried out differently. Apart from academics, we have to enrich the students with a lot of activities like sports, games, music and dance.Once a teacher, always a teacher. Do you agree?Teaching is a noble profession. According to Dr S Radhakrishnan, Teachers should be the best minds in the country. Real learning starts only once a teacher is trained for the job. A teacher should grow and update their knowledge, and also correct mistakes. Here, the learners are not passive. A teacher's upgradation and acceptance makes the atmosphere more lively. Be it a retired teacher, working teacher or a teacher at home, he or she can never forgo their role. Definitely, we can say that 'once a teacher, always a teacher'.Success has become an obsession with people of all ages nowadays. Your comments.Nowadays success is what everyone wants to achieve but what is success is purely subjective. The achievement of one may not be counted as the achievement or success of the other. For some, success is scoring marks, getting jobs or positions. Success is a purely different concept. Nowadays, winning in a competition is a yardstick to measure success. According to me, it should have lasting significance. Achieving success has no limit: It could be passing an exam or winning an Olympic medal.What emphasis do you put on teacher training?Teacher training is an unavoidable component. Training takes place according to a set pattern, but the teachers can never adopt the same technique in the classrooms. Classroom teaching must be according to the present need and expectation. Hence, the teacher should have the mind to adapt, assimilate and impart ideas. Teachers should be provided with refresher courses to update themselves and they should be ever ready to take up new tasks.What in your view is GenNext's biggest strength? What are the key areas of improvement?GenNext is born with technology. The biggest strength we find in them is that they are fast and understand faster. They adapt their own style. Ask them something, they will get it done for you but they won't guide. They lose patience. The main need of the day is to train them to be patient, helpful, tolerant, sociable and friendly. If those things are attained, we can club their technical knowledge with their humane power. It is high time to realise and change. They are our future promises.How can the elderly contribute to the student's growth?Elders should have the maturity to understand their situations and rise up to their level. Be friendly, patient and ready to shed your ego. Learn children's weakness and strengths. I am sure we can conquer young minds and change them for good.What according to you is the role of the media in education?Media is an eye-opener but we must not take it for granted. We have to understand, analyse and adapt. All of us have to dissect and take the information that really matters. For the older generation, media helps to bridge many gaps. But too much of anything is bad. Hence, use it in moderation.