Guruvani: 'Teachers must be aware of latest trends'
What is the biggest professional challenge that you face in your role as principal?The biggest professional challenge is ensuring efficient co-ordination. Teachers today have to strike a balance between academics, co-curricular and extra- curricular activities and multi-media content incorporation. Sometimes a bit of hand-holding and guiding are required. Schools require a blend of experienced teachers and fresh talent. A difference of opinion in certain issues is bound to crop up at times. I sometimes feel like a juggler who cannot afford to miss a single hat!Once a teacher, always a teacher. Do you agree?In a nutshell the role of a teacher involves teaching, ensuring that children grasp concepts well, trying out innovative ways to enhance their creativity and critical thinking, counselling when required and leading by example to teach values and life skills. Phew, a tall order even in a nutshell! This is a job that requires involvement and dedication. An educationist cannot stop himself from being one even after working hours. It is just not a job where you can say let's call it a day. As the principal I have a great deal of administrative work and decision making to do, but I feel I am still doing the same work I did when I was teaching.Success has become an obsession with people of all ages nowadays. Comment.The present times can be described in the words of Charles Dickens: “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. It was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness.” We are living in a world where a child has all the information required with a few clicks on his keyboard, supportive parents who agree to his pleas and teachers who encourage his efforts. Yet, a cut-throat competitive world awaits him the moment his school days are over. He is judged and then branded as a success or a failure. This is a scary scenario. Success has become an obsession. What in your view is Gen Next's biggest strength? Which are the key areas of improvement?The biggest strength is the liberty to choose their field in accordance with their aptitude and interest. The old fashioned stereotypes of becoming only an engineer or a doctor are no longer there. Most parents now support children if they want to go off the beaten track. Apart from this, the Internet is a boon. GenNext is a confident lot, but often falls prey to brashness. They find discipline constraining. They have to be taught that a polite firmness can open more doors than an overbearing attitude. GenNext is tech-savvy and smart but they need to manage their time better. They have to learn not to be swayed by social media.Given the diverse needs of today's generation, what emphasis do you put on teacher's training?The young learners are smart and discerning. Their parents are equally involved in the learning. They are also aware of their rights. Hence teacher training is important now. Besides knowledge, soft skills training is also important for teachers. Constant skill upgradation is important. Teachers have to be aware of the latest trends and incorporate them in the lessons.What according to you is the role of media in education?The media plays a key role in making people form an opinion on issues. Being a storehouse of information and happenings around the world, the media wields a strong influence. For example, HT PACE is a tool for education. There is something in it to cater to all tastes. Media will have a bigger role in education in the years to come as the world moves more towards technology.Tell us about your leisure activities.I read a lot. I spend time with my family pretty much the same way as most women do. Sometimes, when there is a lot of workload, family time helps me unwind. I am catching up with old friends also these days, thanks to social media. I am not skipping my evening walk. Gardening is also a great stress buster and last but not the least a prayer of gratitude to the Almighty works wonders.