The memories we create in school turn out to be some of the best of our lives. In fact, experts say that it is very important to make good memories in school as it helps in the holistic growth of an individual. But imagine studying in schools where bizarre rules, like not allowing students to use the toilet more than a few times per semester? Sounds terrible, right? Well, in some parts of the world, schools do have such weird rules. Here is a list of strange school rules that you won’t believe actually exist.
One cannot make close friends
Schools are usually the first place where everyone makes friends. But in Thomas’s school in the heart of London, United Kingdom, students are prohibited from making close friends. According to the school authorities, this is done to protect young kids from the trauma of potential heartbreak if they fall apart with their close friends. However, Prince George, the son of Prince William of the Royal Family of England has started attending school hoping to make some close friends. It needs to be seen whether the school finally changes its weird rule for its royal student.
Teachers are forbidden to use red pens
In a school at UK’s County Cornwall, teachers aren’t allowed to mark students’ papers with red pens as they consider red to be a negative colour. Instead, they are asked to use green-coloured pens to grade or make necessary corrections on the students’ copies. Moreover, teachers are also asked to frequently write down positive comments for the students, to keep them motivated. In fact, this new marking system has been well applauded by other schools in the region who wish to adopt the same medium.
Students are allowed afternoon naps
A Chinese elementary school at Gaoxin allows its students to take naps during the recess period at noon, anytime between 12:10 pm to 2 pm. This rule also has a wide range of support from the parents. This is done so that children do not have to rush back and forth from school to home to take rest and can instead take naps on their respective desks to rejuvenate themselves for the later half of the school.
High fives and hugs are prohibited
It’s normal for youngsters to indulge in high fives after a good game at school or simply hug one another after having scored good grades in the exam. But few schools in both the USA and the UK completely disallow children from engaging in any sort of physical contact. They consider it to hamper students’ academic performances. However, students and parents of such schools aren’t particularly receptive of this bizarre rule.
Students are allowed to use the restroom only thrice per semester
A school in Chicago named Evergreen Park High School follows the most bizarre rule ever, i.e., not allowing students to visit the toilet for more than three times per semester. This rule was imposed in 2011 to ensure that students don’t lose valuable class information. According to the school authorities, this rule actually prevents students from using it as an excuse to miss class. They also have another rule adjoined with this. If any student at all misses valuable class time, he or she is provided with a built-in system to make up for it.
(The names of some schools aren’t allowed to be revealed)