All fingerprints are unique and we know that. But do you know that if you take an impression of your tongue, that print too will show unique identifying marks different from anyone else’s in the world? Yes, scientists have discovered that just like fingerprints, tongue prints are unique too. Wow, that means this could effectively be used for identity verification purposes in the future. Isn’t that really cool? Using tongue prints for identity verification can definitely be a great invention while it comes to catching criminals.
The tongue science
According to researchers, two main attributes are measured for a tongue print. First is the shape of the tongue. The top part of our tongue has a unique geometric shape. For example, some people have long tongues, while others have short ones. The second factor that is studied is the tongue’s physiological texture. Your tongue consists of a number of ridges, wrinkles, seams and marks that are unique just like the fingerprint ridges.
Tongue prints
How are tongue prints taken and assessed? Your unique tongue features are recorded using a ‘tongue image-acquiring device’, which is basically a high-tech digital camera. This data is subsequently processed using a tongue diagnostic software which is able to reproduce the smallest details of the organ in varied bright colours. These details are further processed using specialised software to analyse the unique features of the tongue.
Tongue print: A solid candidate for biometrics
But unlike fingerprints, you will find it hard to find criminals randomly leaving their tongue prints everywhere. After all, it is well-concealed inside the mouth and will not leave marks unless the person himself decides to do it. But this makes it an even more interesting candidate for biometrics since it becomes an undeniable proof of identity.
The world of biometrics
A biometric-scanning device like the one you must have experienced while getting your passport made takes data about your physical (sometimes behavioural) features and then converts it into digital information that can be read and accessed whenever needed. Once your biometric information is stored, you don’t need to carry anything else with you for your identity check such as a key tag or a smart key or an ID card. Biometrics is much more successful and foolproof as a form of identification than the other methods as cards and keys which can get lost, misplaced or most importantly, tampered with.
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