Living in India, we have all experienced the menace of mosquitoes at some point! They produce an annoying buzz in the ear, draw your blood, give you itchy bites and spread deadly diseases like malaria, dengue and more. Mosquitoes are found in almost every corner of the world! However, the people of Iceland don't have to struggle with these bugging creatures!
Iceland is often admired for its breath-taking views, beautiful greenery, powerful volcanoes, and scenic waterfalls! But did you know that Iceland is free of mosquitoes? Iceland is said to be the only country in the world with no mosquitoes! But how is this possible? Let us find out!
The weather in Iceland is bleak for mosquitoes
Icelanders might be lucky to have no mosquitoes while the bordering countries like Norway, Scotland, Denmark, and Greenland aren't. But why is this so? It's not that mosquitoes can't survive the cold! Mosquitoes occupy some of the coldest places on Earth, such as Antarctica, but not Iceland. So, then? The most accepted theory is this. Iceland receives three major seasons of freezing that cover everything with snow. The snow thaws (melting of ice) once a year. In most cold countries, when the mosquitoes lay eggs in cold weather, the larvae may emerge when the ice melts and the frozen eggs come to life. However, Iceland has three major freezes, making it difficult for the mosquito eggs to survive through such long spells of freezing. However, scientists are yet to reach a consensus regarding the exact cause of Iceland being mosquito free.
Maybe it’s the composition of water and soil
Now you know how the weather makes it hard for mosquitoes to survive. But it is not the only acceptable theory. There is another theory explaining the non-existence of mosquitoes in Iceland. The chemical nature and composition of the water and soil. Many scientists believe it is one reason that makes Iceland unsuitable for mosquito breeding.
Global warming may bring mosquitoes to Iceland!
You might be aware of global warming and how it's a looming threat. Iceland, housing some of the largest glaciers in the world, has always suffered the wrath of climate change the earliest. We often hear news of how the glaciers are melting in Iceland. This might not be good news for us, the mosquitoes. However, the shift in ecology and climate may change the scenario for mosquitoes. The changing environment in Iceland might make it conducive for mosquito breeding! Who knew melting glaciers is not the only thing Icelanders need to worry about?
Midges are quite symbolic of Iceland
Iceland may be free from mosquitoes, but it is not free from all bugs! There is a lake in Iceland that is named after a bug. We are talking about Lake myvtan. The bugs that it is named after, are small flying insects, quite symbolic of Iceland. Lake Myvtan means the ‘lake of midges’! It is located in an active volcanic area in the North of Iceland. Many tourists see midges and mistake them for mosquitoes!