“The soul, fortunately, has an interpreter - often an unconscious but still a faithful interpreter - in the eye,” wrote eminent Victorian author Charlotte Brontë in her novel Jane Eyre. Well, our eyes are not only one of the most important sensory organs that we have, they speak volumes when our words fail to express. But wait, have you ever wondered why at do we have eyebrows and eyelashes? Do they serve any practical purpose or they are just there to adorn our eyes? The answer is ‘yes’ to both!
The reason we have eyebrows
As you may already know, the primary purpose of both eyebrows and eyelashes is to protect the eyes. In fact, they offer a layer of protection for the eyeball against all kinds of foreign particles, be it liquid, solid, dust, or even bugs and insects.
Coming to eyebrows now, they are known to secure eyes from substances such as sweat, dandruff and even rain, that often tumble down a person’s face. Eyebrows either catch the substance or simply absorb it, or even better, they allow it to trickle down the side of the face, without harming the eyes. If you’re thinking that’s all they do, hold on! Come to think of it, eyebrows shape our facial expressions in more ways than one while helping us communicate subtle emotions.
Eyelashes: Why we need them
Just like eyebrows, eyelashes too function in their unique ways to protect the eyes. Long lashes not only make us look more beautiful, they also they also safeguard the eyes from foreign particles. What’s more, they trigger the blink response. Experts believe that in absence of eyelashes, it would take forever to activate the blink response which is essential for the eyes. Imagine yourself trying hard to blink, but in vain! That’s terrible, isn’t it? After all, a blink acts as an alert to save us from potentially harmful elements which are too close to the eyes. Apart from this, eyelashes also keep our eyes moist, by restricting evaporation of the essential eye fluids. Oh, and before we forget, they drive away other eye irritants, such as dust and sand. Lastly and most importantly, eyelashes direct the eyelids when they need to open or shut. Looks like they do a lot more than merely granting us our wishes, don’t they?