They say dogs are man’s best friends, and it’s not just because they are adorable and friendly. While growing up, a child may need a companion other than friends and family. What could be better than a furry friend? A pet animal like a dog can teach a lot of values, including responsibility, loyalty, trust, respect and love. But have you ever wondered why dogs can’t live longer? Here are some of the reasons.
Dogs and their short lifespan
Life span is generally associated with survival and reproduction traits. Dogs live anywhere from 8-15 years depending on the breed and other factors such as their:
The answer lies in their growth and development cycle which is accelerated as compared to that of humans. The accelerated growth means that dogs do a lot of work, speeding up their life processes. One such accelerated life process is their panting frequency. Dogs pant to regulate their body temperature because, unlike humans, dogs cannot cool down using sweat so instead, they tend to pant and circulate cool air through their bodies. It is a known fact that heavy or fast breathing lowers the supply of oxygen in the body, thereby decreasing the life span.
Researchers have stated that there are other reasons for short life spans in dogs, like manmade cross-breeding practices. Domesticated dogs are often in-bred like the English bulldogs who cannot breathe naturally without making snoring sounds. By choosing certain characteristic traits which were not natural, their natural evolution got tampered with. Another reason why dogs can’t live longer is that they are fed pre-fabricated food pumped with unnatural elements.
Ensuring a healthy life for your furry friend
Encourage a healthy diet for your little friend, incorporate daily exercise by prolonging walk time to manage body health. Teach your dog a few tricks to stimulate the mind, and remember to enjoy every moment you spend with them. Happiness is the key to a longer, fulfilled life.
Interesting facts about dogs