A smart city is a planned city that takes the help of information and communication technology (popularly called ICT) for efficient functioning. The information gathered is then passed on to the public to ensure an improved quality of government facilities and overall welfare of citizens. Its primary aim to is promote economic and sustainable growth. Few of the popular examples of smart cities include Rajkot, Pune, Amsterdam and Singapore.
The ongoing innovation of Internet of Things (IoT) that now govern our everyday lives has already led to the building of such smart cities. So far, it has transformed the way we live and has helped develop a better living situation. As we move on to 2022, the aim is to further set up such technologically driven cities making them futuristic and extra efficient. The cities will operate by collecting and analysing data using voice activation methods and sensors. Here are 5 benefits of living and building smart cities.
Efficient use of resources
The main goal of building smart cities is that its citizens and the governments will focus on the sustainable and judicious use of natural resources. With the world already undergoing severe energy shortages alongside climate change, smart cities will ensure that carbon footprints are reduced exponentially and in turn give rise to a better environment for all.
Smart transportation
In smart cities, transportation system will be made in such a way that will be more or less pollution free. Smart transportation in smart cities will use renewable sources of fuel, electric vehicles, and enforce serious toll and ticketing and traffic management to tackle unlawful practices. Apart from this, IoT will also help in tracking of vehicles in real time.
Energy efficiency
In the face of energy crisis, it has become imperative to use energy efficiently to create a better future and smart cities will ensure exactly that. These cities are built around the idea of using solar energy and its conversion into fuel and source of electricity. This way smart cities can ensure energy efficiency.
Smart surveillance
Smart cities can use IoT-based technologies to effectively monitor areas that need more attention by setting up more CCTVs, even in the remotest corners. This will ensure that every incident gets recorded and reported as and when they happen and help in identifying criminals and tackle crimes as well. Furthermore, smart cities are also expected to implement sensors that can detect any natural disasters like cyclones and floods.
Instant feedbacks from residents
This is perhaps the most exciting feature of smart cities, i.e., registering instant feedbacks and complaints from the citizens. This is how the local government can also be in constant touch with the residents and serve them as per their needs and demands. Such a technique will be both instant and effective to bring about necessary changes. This will also allow people to let the authorities know whenever and wherever they face any problem so that the government can take immediate actions.