YouTube has become the universal go-to place for one and all. If one wants to learn about something new, the quickest and most convenient place to look for information is on YouTube. Does your child want to know play a violin or how to properly organise his study space? No need to worry as YouTube is always ready with a wide variety of content on a single subject. However, there are so many how-to videos and tutorials that one might often get confused which ones to refer to, especially when it comes to kids. Kid-appropriate content is not as easy to find as one would think and parents and teachers often have to go through a lot of resources before landing upon the ideal ones. Mentors always recommend only the most suitable, thoroughly engaging, interactive and educational videos to the children that are handled by experts. One must remember that the quality of the content far exceeds the number of subscribers or the number of likes. Here’s a list of all such relevant YouTube channels for your little ones.
Crash course
Yes, you read that right. There’s a particular YouTube channel named Crash Course and the name could not have been more suitable. This channel is the brainchild of the young adult fiction writer John Green offering engaging visual explanations for high school students on world literature, history, art and culture, and other relevant social sciences.
Ted Ed
Youngsters need constant motivation from their mentors. However, in absence of such figures, one can often refer to this very popular YouTube channel made exclusively for adolescent students. It has videos of famous people offering inspirational or Ted talks from all around the globe. The topics covered here are wide ranging. They also offer animation sessions on various topics as an add-on.
The name will instantly draw the attention of the young viewers. SciShow sounds like sci-fi, but it is a lot more than that. The channel has extensive science-specific content, be it on the outer space, Physics, Biology or Chemistry. The fun, informative and authentic fact-finding specialty of this channel makes it stand apart.
As the name suggests, this YouTube channel dedicates itself to provide middle and high school students with math tutorials and more. They cover a wide range of topics that are often helpful for students who find it hard to understand a particular concept from their books. Visual explanations make it easier to comprehend the concepts which in turn leads to easy practical applications. Like most kids, if your little one also needs a little bit of extra guidance in Maths, this channel will simply do wonders.
Netflix Jr.
When you mix entertainment with education, you make a child more curious and Netflix jr does exactly that. The channel features fictional characters from kid-appropriate Netflix shows and uses that to facilitate learning, music, dance and play among children. The DIY videos are a bonus as they engage the kids into something creative or constructive, so that they don’t indulge in procrastination or other bad habits.