When it comes to preparing for exams, the age-old method of rote learning is considered to be futile now. With academics and exams following a different structure owing to the online method of schooling, the nature of exams and types of questions asked have changed. Now, students have to resort to their application skills about a concept during an exam instead of just showcasing their memorisation capacity. Therefore, a thorough understanding of subjects is crucial. A great way to ensure this is to use the SQ3R study technique. Read on to learn more about it.
The 5-step Method
This is an efficient study technique which helps students develop their reading and comprehension abilities. It works especially well to break down and help understand complicated textbook materials. This technique includes five steps, namely: 1. Survey, 2. Question, 3. Read, 4. Recite and 5. Review. It was developed by an American education philosopher, Francis P. Robinson, who explained it in detail in his book titled ‘Effective Study’ published in 1946.
How to help your teen follow this technique?
In order to reap the benefits of this strategy, it is crucial to ensure that your teen follows all five steps efficiently and in order.