Youngsters of today are spoilt for choice when it comes to deciding a career path. However, some traditional career choices such as medical and engineering have still remained popular. In fact, the exponential rise in the number of engineering colleges is one of the reasons for students’ continued interest in this domain. One popular engineering college is the Birla Institute of Technology. It conducts its engineering admission test called Birla Institute of Technology and Science Admission Test (BITSAT) every year. A candidate may appear a maximum of two times in BITSAT. In 2022, this computer-based online test will be held in two sessions, June 20 to 26 (Session 1) and July 22 to 26 (Session 2). The candidate can take the test at any centre, on any day, and at any time that is convenient for him or her.
If a candidate desires to appear twice, he or she may do so once during the first set of dates and again during the second set of dates. Even at the time of the first application, a candidate can choose to appear twice. After that, the candidate will select one slot from the first set of dates and another from the second set of dates. After the initial appearance, a candidate may choose to appear a second time. Candidates who appeared during Session 1 but did not initially exercise their option to appear again will be able to apply for a second time during a period to facilitate this procedure. Here is everything that an aspiring engineer needs to know about this entrance test.
Eligibility criteria
Exam pattern
BITSAT-2022 sessions will last a total of three hours without a break. The tests are divided into four sections: Physics, Chemistry, English Proficiency and Logical Reasoning and Mathematics/ Biology. There will be 130 multiple-choice questions in all. Physics and Chemistry will comprise 30 question each, Mathematics/ Biology will have 40 questions while English Proficiency and Logical Reasoning will have 10 and 20 questions, respectively.
Marking scheme
Each correct answer is worth three marks, while each erroneous response will result in negative marking. No marks will be given for unattempted questions.
Mode and duration
The test will be conducted in online mode for a duration of three hours. All the questions and instructions of the test will be in English only.