Climate change is one of the predominant issues all across the globe. While research agencies and world bodies are formulating policies are burning the midnight oil to combat climate challenges, small steps at home can make a big difference too. As parents, educate your kids about eco-friendly habits and help them imbibe these. With Earth Day approaching soon, here is a list of 4 eco-friendly habits to help raise environment-friendly youngsters.
Reduce, reuse, recycle and repeat!
These are the 3 Rs of sustainability. These will not only help in preserving our nature’s resources but also make the environment more sustainable. As a first step, help your kid realise the importance of reducing the amount of waste produced. Next, show him how to ensure waste reduction. Encourage your kids to avoid using plastic bags. They can carry paper bags instead. These paper bags can be reused over and over again for various purposes. This practice is not only eco-friendly but also cost-effective. You can also motivate your kids to reserve water from rainfall and use it for watering plants. Finally, kids should also be made aware about the value of recycling, that is, picking up old and used items and putting it to new use, rather than throwing it away for waste.
Encourage the art of composting
Composting refers to the practice of turning decayed remains of organic matter into a natural fertilizer. To encourage this habit, children should be guided not to throw away food scraps and yard waste and instead use them to decompose organic solid waste. In fact, the goal is to make them realise that the best and wisest ways to preserve nature and practise eco-living can be composting. As more and more natural fertilizers are produced as a result of composting, the need for toxic chemical fertilizers will automatically reduce. This, in turn, will ensure that greenhouse gas emissions are in control.
Encourage gardening and spending time outdoors
To raise environmentally conscious kids, parents should inculcate the habit of gardening among children, from the formative years. Take them to the terrace or the balcony and encouraging them to first cultivate the soil and then plant small trees. This will also make them realise the value of sustainable living. Apart from gardening, parents should also encourage their kids to spend more time outdoors amidst nature by simply taking a stroll, or riding bicycles. Studies indicate that kids benefit mentally, physically as well as emotionally when they connect directly with Mother Earth.
Motivate participation in environment friendly campaigns
All over the world, there are NGOs and individuals who organise various eco-friendly campaigns such as cleanliness drives, anti-plastic war, go green initiatives and so on. Motivate kids to participate in such campaigns. This will help them gain direct experience about our planet’s current state. It is also by far the best-proven way to make kids eco-conscious.