When it comes to extra-curricular activities for teens, the list is endless. From sports to creative writing, youngsters now have a wide-ranging variety to choose from, depending on their interests and talents. However, one extra-curricular activity that often gets overlooked is volunteering at an NGO. This can serve the dual-purpose of allowing teens to develop life skills in an environment that departs from the usual extra-curricular courses, while helping them gain significant experience that can add value to their resumé. There are countless NGOs out there striving for different causes. All you have to do is encourage your teenager to choose one out of them to contribute to. Here is why you must do so.
Volunteering teaches social responsibility
It opens up a new window to look at the world through. Volunteering also helps youngsters realise the importance of contribution towards society, and shows that they make a significant part of a larger community. Offering valuable service and time towards a cause that your teen is keen on, will help him develop an openness and a selfless attitude which will definitely benefit his growth as an individual. It will teach him that there is a world beyond academics, career and hobbies.
Adds value to the CV
If your teen wishes to pursue higher education abroad, a volunteering experience on her CV will instantly distinguish her from numerous other applicants. Universities value such experience, as it shows that the applicant is a well-rounded individual and has ambition which is not merely tied to academics. What can benefit your teen more is to pick an NGO which somehow is related to her academic and career pursuits, if possible.
Broadens the network
Volunteering at an NGO is something which will allow your teen to interact with numerous other people. This will result in a much wider scope for networking. Moreover, your teen will develop specific social and communication skills which cannot be learnt in a classroom. It will teach him to find his place in a diverse environment, accept other people with all their differences and learn to work and collaborate with them.
Helps develop professional skills
Spending time volunteering at an NGO will enable your teen to have first-hand work experience. It will help her understand the workings of an organisation, and help her gain knowledge about administration and effectively running an organisation.