There are hundreds of job portals offering full-time and part-time jobs as well as freelance or internship options. The first one is usually reserved for graduates and those who are pursuing higher studies or have completed their academic pursuits. However, the other two options are applicable to high school or colleges students. Internship options, both paid and unpaid, allow students the opportunity to hone industry-related skills and widen their career prospects in the future.
According to some estimates, every internship opportunity in a job portal receives about 250 applications on an average. Out of these, hardly 10 to 20 applicants manage to get called for interviews. This is why it is crucial to make a resume that drives the attention of potential employers. Here are our tips to make your youngsters’ internship applications stand out. Encourage her to follow these suggestions.
Customize the application for each job role
Youngsters often make the mistake of sending the same resumes while applying for separate internships. This is why they often miss out on many opportunities. Encourage your youngster to focus on the relevant skills in their internship applications and not put everything into a single resume. For instance, if one is applying for a content writing internship, there’s no reason to include how he or she is good at athletics. Instead, advise her to focus on their sound writing and communication skills. The key is to go through the requirements of the job and highlight the ones that apply to them.
Create an impactful layout and distinct flow
Several estimates suggest that recruiters spend around 10 seconds on an application before they proceed with or reject an internship application. This is why a great internship application should have all the necessary elements required to appeal to the employer, starting with an appealing layout, followed by a clear and chronological flow (with key skills and achievements highlighted and use of ‘action’ words). The resume should offer all the relevant information at one glance.
Maintain a professional online presence
Nowadays, recruiters pay a lot of emphasis on the social media profiles of prospective employees and interns. So, it is necessary for an aspiring candidate to maintain a stable digital profile and a strong online presence. These profiles should highlight the applicant’s special skills and ability to adapt to changing. So, motivate your youngster to create a profile that represents her personality in the right manner.
Ensure a formal and clear communication throughout
Apart from a decent online presence and an impactful internship application, youngsters should also ensure that their communication with the recruiters, be it via email, social media or calls are clear, formal and to-the-point. The key is to address their queries one by one and not combine multiple issues into a single call or email. Clear communication will also reveal the applicant’s understanding of the role, and focus on their ability to deliver properly as per the requirement.