Pets are wonderful companions. They can also teach children about responsibility, love, life and death. Fish make for low maintenance pets and are a beautiful addition to any home. Today, we will take you through the steps of setting up an aquarium for your child.
Choose your tank and accessories
While choosing a fish tank, remember that fish grow, and you must have enough space for that. Don’t buy too many fish to start with and avoid putting aggressive fish like small sharks and fighter fish with gentler fish like guppy, black molly or sword tail. A goldfish bowl is also an easy option, but it’s unhealthy, so it’s a negative example for children. You need these: aquarium, gravel or stones for the tank floor, lighting unit, filter, plants, fish food and decorations. Buy fish only after you have completed the set-up.
Clean and position the aquarium
Clean your new fish tank with clear tap water and a soft cloth. Don’t use glass cleaner or other chemicals / soap, as that can contaminate the water and harm your fish. Place the aquarium in a sheltered place avoiding direct sunlight, strong drafts or heat. It should be on a flat, level surface, within the reach of your child.
Prepare the flooring and filter
First wash the pebbles under running water, then spread evenly on the floor in a layer thick enough to hide the bottom. Next, install the filtration unit, but don’t switch it on yet. While choosing a filter, make sure you get one that can turn over the entire aquarium volume three to four times per hour.
Fill the aquarium and place plants
Cover your tank flooring with a plate or tray and then pour the water, so that the stones don’t get disturbed. Don’t fill to the top. Leave at least 2 inches gap from the fill-line. Now uncover the floor and add plants. Living plants are obviously better than plastic ones as they clean the water, add oxygen, offer shelter and playing space for fish and create a natural environment.
Add decorations and final touches
Place the decorations now. Turn on the filtration unit and the lights. Leave the aquarium in this condition for about an hour and then release fish. The aquarium is ready, now call in your kids and enjoy their delight.