At a time when digital technology means the negative effects of staring at a screen, smart speakers are making a difference. There are lots of things kids can enjoy with Google Home, a popular smart speaker. It can also make parenting a whole lot easier. Take a look at some of the features that your child might use with your guidance.
Helping kids with homework
Google Home can help kids with questions around their homework. For this, train your kids to ask Google Assistant questions. For example, there is a Google Activity known as Homework Help which can come in pretty handy. Otherwise, you could also teach them to ask general questions.
Listening to stories
Google Home has a good collection of much-loved Disney stories that are not just read out to them, but has sound effects and music added to make them complete audio dramas. Apart from these, there’s a huge library of hundreds of tale, arranged thematically (bedtime stories, ghost story, summer story etc.) to make it easier to search.
Teaching manners to kids
One of the best Google Assistant skills for kids is known as ‘Pretty Please’. It is Google’s politeness feature. When your young ones phrase commands politely, including the magic word ‘please’, they get what Google called ‘delightful responses’, where the Assistant thanks or encourages them.
Helping kids get down to sleep
No matter their age, kids can keep refusing to fall asleep quietly. Not just the stories and music, you can get kids to sleep better with ambient sounds such as running water, rain, thunder, or forest soundscape. Google Home sets the time automatically at one hour for ambient sounds and has no upper time limit for soothing bedtime music.
Setting schedules, timers, reminders and saving lists
Google Home is a digital organiser with smart capabilities and a voice. Use this to schedule homework and tasks, remind kids to brush, set up a ‘study hour’ announcement. You can also ask kids to record a list of item they must carry to school, or a requirements list to complete a project. The list can then come handy while rounding things up.