Writing, like verbal skills, is a very significant form of communication. It is key to a child’s education too. Unfortunately, in today’s highly digitized world, kids do not have too many opportunities to practice and improve their ability to pen down their thoughts. This may leave you wondering about how to enhance your child’s writing skills.
Writing isn’t a skill that can be developed overnight. It takes a lot of time to be a conversant writer. However, as a parent, you can do a lot to help your child articulate his thoughts in writing. Starting from engaging your kid in fun activities to encouraging him to read a lot, here are tips to boost your child’s writing skills.
Encourage reading habits
Regular reading is the prerequisite for strong writing skills. It widens your children’s vocabulary and shows them different usages of various words. Once their stock of word increases they learn to apply them appropriately as well. Encourage your kids by reading together.
Make writing fun
Engage your your kids in activities that encourage writing. Crossword puzzles and word games are can be good options. Ask your little one to look for an item and write down its name after finding it. If your child has just started writing, you can create worksheets where she can trace letters and words. Jot down a few letters and words on a piece of blank paper and have her trace them on another sheet. Arranging story writing competition at home can also be a good option.
Develop the habit of maintaining a journal
It is the most traditional and suggested method of improving writing skills among kids. Encourage your little ones to maintain a journal and jot down their everyday experiences, likes/dislikes, etc. This will allow them to articulate their thoughts better in written language. Do not ever try to go through your child’s diary if she is is not comfortable sharing it with you. Also, do not resort to harsh criticism even if you do not like what your kid has penned down. Instead, show her ways to improve.
Create a writing corner at home
Find a quiet corner of your house and dedicate this space for writing only. An area secluded for writing only will minimize distractions helping your budding writer concentrate better.
Start the tradition of writing letters
Letter writing is a lost art. Reviving the practice of handwritten letters can improve our child’s writing skills for sure. Encourage him to write letters to his friends and siblings on their birthdays. You can also help kiddo find pen pals. This will help develop the habit of writing regularly.