Most kids, including teens in high school, love playing animated mobile and video games. Many kids play with the seriousness of seasoned gamers. Some go a step further and look up how the game is animated and designed. A handful actually tries to create animation themselves. If you are parent to an animation enthusiast, you are lucky, because it’s a challenging, fulfilling and paying career option. But how would you know your teen is serious? Here are some signs of budding animators to help you find out.
Your teenager has a knack for science or computer programming
Does your teen enjoy solving problems, exploring technology, writing code? Gaming, overall, is strongly related to these subjects, and strength in these could make an animator’s foundation really strong.
He is imaginative and creative
Does your teen enjoy crafts, carpentry, DIY? Do they enjoy reading mystery and adventure stories, watching exploration or wildlife series? Are they good at doing up the house or even telling a really creative joke? Thinking out of the box, and doing that daily, is a requirement in animation.
Your teenager enjoys doodling and storyboarding
All of the above make great animators. A serious graphic artist will do it to express him or herself, not to pass time or keep awake at class. Animated characters, storylines and game landscapes are born out of an artist’s imagination, and your teen might be one of them.
She is logical and communicative
An animator works through a process involving step by step progression, sometimes, of an unbelievable story, and ends up communicating it in the best possible way. If your teen is not just an artist, but one who can logically explain why you should go on a quest to find a dragon’s egg, he or she just might be headed towards a career in game animation.
He is a team a team player
Animation is hard work and team effort. If your budding artist can work in a group, motivating others, scheduling work, moving towards a common goal, half the battle is won. The other half of the battle is all about honing skills.