Quizzing has long been considered as a great hobby because it gives our brain muscles a healthy workout. While some kids have an aptitude for it, others need a little bit of guidance. As you gear up for ClassAct 2022, the Hindustan Times Republic Day Quiz today, we help you spot the attributes of a quizzer in your child and enhance them.
A curious mind is the most important trait of a great quizzer. Children are curious by nature and want to find out everything about how something works or exists the way it does. Nurturing their curiosity can help them figure out more about their interest in a particular subject.
Smart Tips: Talk to your children, motivate them to ask the right questions and ignite their thought process. Also, asking them simple questions will get them to reflect on the moment they are in and the things they observe. All these can spark curiosity.
Risk taker
Taking risks is a significant trait observed in a great quizzer. Sometimes, while playing individually or in a group, an aspiring quizzer tends to attempt a question even if he isn’t sure of the answer. It’s not possible for your child would know the right answer every time. However, trying to answer with a logical guesswork might do the trick.
Smart Tips: Motivating kids to come up with a nearly correct answer or allowing them to answer the question for the thrill of participation can help them in sticking to the trial-and-error method while becoming a quizzer.
Sharp memory
People who have been quizzing for years will certainly know more than an average person. They are generally blessed with an amazing retention capacity. Some children can often recall interesting and unusual bits of information by mere observation or through a simple conversation. This can go a long way if your child wants to be a quizzer.
Smart Tips: Assisting your budding quizzer in maintaining a dairy or a notepad where they would like to record important and interesting facts and figures can turn out to be helpful. Also, making acronyms out of some terminologies can be useful in remembering them.
Attention to detail
Some kids observe more minutely and closely than the others. They are the ones likely to notice details about people, places and objects that would often be missed by another human eye. They love to capture trivial details too in the back of their mind. This is a quality required from quizzing.
Smart Tips: Developing the habit of catching up on day-to-day events with your children can enhance their ability of giving attention to detail. Appreciating them when they describe such details about something can encourage them to be more attentive towards detail.