An adorable kid can freak you out with disgusting and irritating bad habits. We have listed 5 awfully common bad habits below, if you spot your kid doing any of these, stop them now.
Talking with food in their mouth
It may sound cute when kids, especially toddlers, try to talk with food in their mouth and the sentences get garbled, but it is actually a very bad habit. If you notice your child doing this, correct this behavior immediately. It’s healthy to concentrate on food while eating, so that the food is chewed completely before swallowing. Encourage them to talk at the table, but only when they are not chewing.
Nose picking
Boogers can irritate the nasal passage, so nose picking is actually important at times. But it can be done in the bathroom, or near the basin, where children can always wash their hands after the exercise is over. Let them know no one likes seeing a nose digger, and it disgusts people. It’s also a dangerously unhealthy habit in the post pandemic world.
Not putting things in place
From dishes to toys, books to clothes, it doesn’t matter what these ‘things’ are. What matters is they all have a designated place in the house where they belong, and they need to be put there. Depending on parents or maids to clean up is a bad habit, and kids who grow up with it have trouble becoming self-sufficient.
Coughing without covering their mouth
Have you seen adults lower their masks in public, just to cough, sneeze or spit satisfactorily? And do you realise how this spews out germs, helping mankind to continue spreading diseases? Explain the danger to your kids, and stop them from doing these at home and outside. All they have to do is carry a paper napkin, cough or sneeze into it, and throw it away at a dustbin.
Wiping hands or objects on clothing
Kids easily develop the ultra-messy habit of wiping their hands with food, dirt, glue etc. on their clothes. They can also quickly shine a spoon or dust a book in the same way. Stop them immediately, otherwise, they will get into the habit of spreading dirt and germs easily.