Now-a-days, there is a plethora of online courses and apps available for students to learn new languages. Although technology is now making it possible to communicate with speakers from all over the world, the benefits and importance of learning a different language should not be omitted. It works like an exercise for the brain and helps in the development of cognitive the centres. Especially at a young age, the neuroplasticity of the brain enables a quicker learning and adapting rate. Read on to learn how learning a new language will benefit your child.
Sharpens mental acuity
Mental acuity essentially refers to the sharpness of the brain. Learning a new language results in better memory, problem solving and critical thinking skills, enhanced concentration and a better ability to multitask. The nimbleness in the brain is also accelerated due to the ability to switch between languages, which leads to a greater level of flexibility in the brain.
Boosts the brain’s capacity to develop
Learning a new language involves getting acquainted with a complex, intricate system of rules and new linguistic structures. For this, the brain has to cope with the complexity, decode it, make sense of the new patterns and also absorb them. All these tasks require a lot of brain power, and exercising them will only make it develop at a faster pace.
Makes kids more open
Learning a new language, in many ways, is like opening a door into a new world. Language is not just words, grammar and semantics. It carries with it knowledge and wisdom from eons ago which can be decoded if given a try. Through learning a new language, children develop curiosity about different cultures and places, and an appreciation of diversity.
Improves general performance in academics
The cognitive benefits of learning a new language are not limited to the language itself. Instead, they are also translated to different avenues of academics. Neurologists have proved that the problem-solving skills developed through a new language can be applied across the board.