Plants breathe through their leaves, recycling carbon dioxide and turning it into food for themselves, and releasing oxygen for us. Your kid knows this by reading books. Now prove it to them by showing it through this experiment.
What is needed for the experiment?
You just need 5 everyday objects:
Assemble these and call your kids to show the experiment or ask them to do it themselves.
How to perform the experiment?
Here’s a step by step guide:
Most kids are surprised by the effect, even if they know all about it from school books.
What is learnt from the experiment?
The submerged leaf used sunlight for the process of photosynthesis. They did it through their stomata. These terms are common in all biology text books for middle school children. But now they watched it come alive. Here are the terms defined again:
Photosynthesis: The process plants use to make their own food, using sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide.
Stomata: Tiny gaps or holes, mostly on the underside of leaves, used by plants for gas exchange. Carbon dioxide enters the plant through the stomata for photosynthesis and waste oxygen exits through the same openings.