We are living in an age when some of the topmost environmental activists and web billionaires are under 18. While not all of us are blessed or burdened with such talented children, it’s true that old formula of studies, job, and family no longer make up a teenager’s life plan. If your kid is above 10, then this piece is for you. We have a few suggestions that may bring in more focus into their life, and perhaps in yours too.
Identify and support social goals that matter to your kids
Get to know what matters to your child. Do they have a soft spot for little children, elderly or animals? Do they talk a lot about environment and sustainability? Is there a political, social or cultural cause your teen wants to support? Purposeful young people get encouraged when specific goals get support. They are already trying to focus on areas where personal preferences are aligned with social good, it’s just that they don’t put it that way! Find out what matters to your kid and add your support, it can take them miles.
Foster character strength and build on values
Kindness is a character strength, so is being financially aware. Try an experiment you’re your kids. Ask them to focus on the strength of the day. If it’s kindness, they will do one act of random kindness and let you know about it. Explain to them how that strengthens their value system and adds value to society. Planting a sapling and tending to it because they like it is a wonderful example of how personal and community focus can be aligned.
Try out activities to enhance empathy and diverse perspectives
Another practical way to nurture beyond-the-self thinking with personal focus is through a little role play. Ask your kids to step into the shoes of a favourite web series, cartoon or book character, and keep a journal. It’s a great way to appreciate multiple perspectives. Also encourage participation is festivals of other communities, especially in India. A kid gets to know first-hand that personal enjoyment remains same irrespective of community focus, if they want to appreciate others and go with the flow.