Is your adolescent a fan of science fiction films? If that's the case, they've probably seen a lot of cool spaceships that hover and float around like magic. Yes, there are crafts that hover about both on land and water. These are called hovercrafts. They float on a cushion of inflated air. Although it may appear to be magic, it operates on the basis of pure science. Here is an easy-peasy experiment to explain the science behind the functioning of a hovercraft.
What you’ll need
Get these on a table, call your kid and start the activity. Here’s a step-by-step guide for the process:
What is happening in this experiment?
The air from the balloon passed under the hovercraft thanks, to the pop-top lid. This means that even if we tested balloons of various sizes, the opening that allowed air to flow beneath the hovercraft was always the same size since the pop-top lid remained the same. The balloon held the most air when it was inflated to its maximum size, which should have allowed the hovercraft to hover for the longest time. Similarly, when the balloon was inflated to its smallest size, it held the least quantity of air, therefore the hovercraft should have hovered for the shortest duration, and when the balloon was expanded to a medium size, it should have hovered for an intermediate amount of time.