The radiations of mobile phones, tablets, iPads and other wireless devices affect growing minds and bodies in a unique manner. Unfortunately, these impacts are detrimental to the body and mind of young kids. Excessive exposure to microwave radiations from over usage of mobile phones may increase the risk of tumors, disturb brain activity, impact academic performance and lead to poor sleep. Moreover, psychologists are of the opinion that screen addiction may make children view the virtual world as real and the real world as fake. So, as a parent you need to make sure that your youngsters use phone in a healthy and balanced manner. These smart strategies will help you ensure that they are not getting addicted to the screen.
Set limits
It won’t be an exaggeration to say that teens are obsessed with technology. As a parent it’s your responsibility to establish safe usage limits and help your child learn how to use communication devices in a healthy way. Lessons on wise handling of mobile phones are all the more essential in the age of cyber bullying, online stalking, hacking, so on and so forth. Do not allow double-digit hours of screen time to your teenager. However, confiscating the phone for over usage isn’t an ideal punishment. It can backfire. While setting boundaries for screen time, discuss with your child about the consequences of crossing the limits and finalize something that both of you agree on. Inclusion of kids in the rule-making process makes them feel responsible and motivates them to abide by the decision. It will also keep the lines of communication open.
Create a no-phone zone at home
Make your dining space a no-phone zone. Uninterrupted together time during family dinner is a prerequisite for bonding. Between school projects, extracurricular activities and office meetings running till late, finding ways to spend exclusive, unhindered time with the family is tough. Teach your kids about the value of this ‘us-time’. They need to understand that constant chiming of the phone with everybody hooked to their devices doesn’t allow anyone to be in the moment. So, make it a family rule to ignore phone calls or messages during dinner time.
Practise what you preach
Parents are the role models for their children at all ages. Consciously or sub-consciously, kids imbibe a lot of things from their moms and dads. So, as a parent, you need to practice what you preach. If you keep checking your mails or responding to calls and texts during family time, kids are likely to do the same. That way, you will be contributing to their tendency to over use their phones. Control your screen time before you restrict theirs. Set an example by ignoring your mails, calls and messages while you are with kids during an outing, dinner, family gathering or other special events in their lives.