Young students who manage to deliver successful school presentations are often considered to have excellent leadership skills. In fact, they are often regarded as established future managers.
There are multiple kinds of school presentations that students can try out. First is a live presentation that is delivered in a classroom in front of peers and teachers, and because of its interactive nature needs to be more visual than text oriented. In contrast, home assignments need to be full of running texts that reveals the students’ knowledge about the subject to their mentors.
Some tips to prepare an impressive presentation are - less is often more, i.e., it is best to stick to the word limit and video time limit and try and include the most relevant points while leaving out the rest for the next time. Another important point to follow is to maintain hierarchy, i.e., to arrange the points as per their significance. For instance, definitions should be followed by examples which are then followed by explainers. Another common misconception that students have is that bullet points are absolutely important, but in reality, it is not. It depends entirely on the context. Also, using too many colours doesn’t make the assignment look presentable, but instead makes it look clumsy.