Brighter Minds Alpha

A fun, kit-based, brain training programme to enhance your child’s learning capacity—the no books, no homework way! Give your child the perfect gift!

  • Age Group9–15 years
  • Course Duration10 hours
  • Session Duration3 hours
  • CompletionYes
  • Sessions3 Sessions
  • FrequencyEvery week (weekend classes)
  • Course Valid Till

About The Course

    We all want the best for our children. We admit them to the best schools, encourage them to play sports and enrol them in extracurricular activities so they can excel in life. But the world around us is becoming increasingly complex. As the number of distractions increase, the stress levels in our children also increase. Their attention spans are decreasing, and their minds are becoming restless. There is just too much to do in too little time!
    How can we help them deal with life and realize their true potential? The answer lies hidden within the mind of every child. However, most often, it is not tapped to its full potential. 
    This Brighter Minds Alpha programme will help unlock the hidden potential of your child. We use the principle of enhancing the capacity of the child’s brain while it is still developing and receptive to learning. This programme will help bring about a fine balance between the logical, analytical, holistic, creative and intuitive processes of your child’s brain. Your child will also receive a kit comprising materials that will help them during and after the sessions. 
    At Brighter Minds, the capacity of the brain is enhanced using proven and well-researched methodologies. These include unique brain exercises for sharpening cognitive retention, sensory augmentation through acoustic vibrations and relaxation techniques that calm the mind. These skills will help children develop deeper observational skills, better focus, increased attention spans and improved creativity. The enhanced problem-solving skills that they will develop will give them the self-confidence to always stay ahead. This programme will also enhance your child’s intuitive abilities, helping them deal with stressful and demanding environments and complex situations. It will create a habit of excellence in thought and action, helping children impart true human values and achieve their fullest potential. In short, Brighter Minds makes your child future-ready, in every sense! Give your child the perfect gift!

Who Is This Course For?

This course is specifically designed to achieve improved focus, knowledge retention and overall brain health in students aged 9–15.

Course Objectives

    The Brighter Minds Alpha course will help your child:
  • Learn simple tools and techniques to enhance cognitive capacity and improve focus, observation, comprehension, intuition, memory and empathy 
  • Relax and calm their mind
  • Learn the basics of the human brain, its functions and how to improve brain health


  • Entrain Your Brain

  • Rewire and Explore

  • It’s Not Magic! Just Science!



Brighter Minds

Brighter Minds

Whole Brain Wellness Program

Brighter Minds is an initiative of the Heartfulness Education Trust. It is a unique, whole-brain wellness programme that is designed and developed by a team of professionals who bring to the table their learning from diverse fields, such as neuroscience, child health and development, public health, technology, marketing, media and communications. Unified by a passion for learning and a search for balance in developing the mind, body and spirit, the team came together to explore the science behind it and share it with the next generation. Our mission is to inspire and equip every child with the tools and methods to enhance cognitive functioning for achieving personal excellence and instilling self-confidence. There is no teaching here! We just create a positive environment and encourage students to discover themselves.

​The Brighter Minds Alpha programme is offered in more than 10 countries by specially trained facilitators. Our 1000 plus expert facilitators in India have trained more than 30,000 children.