- Age Group11-15 years
- Course Duration12 hours
- Session Duration1 hour
- CompletionYes
- Sessions12 Sessions
- FrequencySelf-Paced
- Course Valid TillForever
Introduction: Fun with Electronics
Overview of TinkerCAD and Creating an Account
Fun with Electronics
Practical 1: 1.5 V Battery
Practical 2: LED with 3 V Battery
Practical 3: LED with 9 V Battery and Resistor
Practical 4: Buzzer with 9 V Battery
Practical 5: Slide Switch
Practical 6: Push Switch
Practical 7: LED on Breadboard
Practical 8: LED 9 V Battery, Slide Switch and Resistor on Breadboard
Fun with Electronics (Quiz)
Introduction: Programmable Electronics with Arduino
Arduino Microcontroller
Practical 1: Turning ON/OFF On-Board LED
Practical 2: Blink On-Board LED
Practical 3: Blinking External LED
Practical 4: Controlling Two External LEDs Alternately
Practical 5: Traffic Light Project
Programmable Electronics with Arduino (Quiz)
Introduction: The World of Output Devices
Buzzer Theory
Turning Buzzer ON/OFF
Beep Buzzer (With Delay)
Motor Theory
DC and BO Motor with 1.5 V
DC and BO Motor with 3 V
DC and BO Motor with 9 V
Motors with Arduino
Seven Segment Theory
Code Seven Segment with Arduino
The World of Output Devices (Quiz)
Introduction: Logic and Arithmetic with Arduino
Serial Communication
Printing “hello world” on the Serial Monitor
LED Commentary
Theory on Variables, Conditional Statements and Operators
Counting Numbers
Jumping Numbers
Logic and Arithmetic with Arduino (Quiz)
Introduction: The World of Input Devices
Input Devices
Read Switch State
Controlling an LED with a Push Button
Doorbell Project
Multiple Inputs
LED with Variables
The World of Input Devices (Quiz)
Introduction: Playing with Sensors
Light Sensor
Reading LDR Sensor Values
Glow in the Dark
Tilt Sensor
Sensor Read
Tilt Indicators
Tilt with Motor
Playing with Sensors (Quiz)
Introduction: Servo Magic
Servo Motor
Servo Angle Control
Sweep Movement
Servo Double Sweep
Servo Gate Controller
Servo Magic (Quiz)
Introduction: Going Ultrasonic
Ultrasonic Sensor
Distance Measurement
Range Indicator Project
Social Distancing Alarm
Going Ultrasonic (Quiz)
Introduction: Dancer and Dimmer
Analog World
LED Analog Control
Wiper Dimmer
Dancer with Knob Range
Dancer and Dimmer (Quiz)
Introduction: Code with Functions
Functions Overview
LED Blink with Functions
Seven Segment with Functions
LED with User Input
Password Genie
Code with Functions (Quiz)
Introduction: What’s Hot and What’s Not?
Temperature Sensor
Reading Temperature
Fire Indicator Project
What’s Hot and What’s Not? (Quiz)
Introduction: Mega Project
Mood Lights
LDR Automation
Fire Alarm