- Age Group11-15 years
- Course Duration12 hours
- Session Duration1 hour
- CompletionYes
- Sessions12 Sessions
- FrequencySelf-Paced
- Course Valid TillForever
Introduction to the World of Electronics
World of Electronics
Basics of Electricity
Types of Electricity
Building Your First Circuit
Introduction to the World of Electronics (Quiz)
Introduction: Bringing Circuits to Life
Theory Overview
Buzzer Breadboard Experiment
Resistor with Buzzer (Theory)
Resistor with Buzzer (Practical)
LED Circuit on Breadboard (Theory)
LED Circuit on Breadboard (Practical)
Bringing Circuits to Life (Quiz)
Introduction: Harnessing Conductors
Conductors and Insulators
Conductor Tester
Insulator Tester
Water Overflow Indicator Project
LED and Buzzer in Parallel
Harnessing Conductors (Quiz)
Introduction: The LED Glow World
LED Basics
Practical 1: Simple LED Circuit
Practical 2: LED Practical Single Ports
The LED Glow World (Quiz)
Introduction: Deep Dive into Resistance
Resistor (Practical)
Deep Dive into Resistance (Quiz)
Introduction: What’s the Buzz All About?
Buzzer Theory
Buzzer–Resistor Circuit (Theory)
Buzzer–Resistor Circuit (Practical 1)
Buzzer–Resistor Circuit (Practical 2)
Salt Water and Buzzer (Practical)
What’s the Buzz All About? (Quiz)
Introduction: One Switch Can Do It All
Switch Theory
Switch (Circuit 1)
Switch Theory (Circuit 2)
Switch Practical (Circuit 2)
Smart House Project
One Switch Can Do It All (Quiz)
Introduction: Move with Motors
Motor Theory
Activity 1 (Theory)
Activity 1 (Practical)
Activity 2 (Theory)
Activity 2 (Practical)
Potentiometer Circuit Overview
Potentiometer Circuit
Table Fan Project
Move with Motors (Quiz)
Introduction: Branching Circuits
Series and Parallel Circuits
Series Circuit (Theory)
Series Circuit (Practical)
Parallel Circuit (Theory)
Parallel Circuit (Practical)
LED Intensity Control
Branching Circuits (Quiz)
Introduction: Logic Circuits
Introduction to Logic Gates
AND Gate (Practical)
AND Gate Truth Table
OR Gate (Practical)
OR Gate Truth Table
Logic Circuits (Quiz)
Introduction: Transistor Magic
Transistor Magic
Water Level Indicator
Transistor Magic (Quiz)
Introduction: What’s in the Dark?
LDR Introduction
Glow in the Dark Circuit
What’s in the Dark? (Quiz)
Electronics Maker: Course Completion