course details

Frontend Web Development Bootcamp for teens

Become a web developer. Learn HTML, CSS and start your career as a programmer.

course details
  • Age GroupAge Group10 - 12 years
  • Course DurationCourse Duration25 minutes
  • Session DurationSession Duration4 - 11 Minutes
  • CompletionCompletionNo
  • SessionsSessions4 Sessions
  • FrequencyFrequencySelf Paced
  • Course Valid TillCourse Valid Till

Frontend Web Development Bootcamp for teens

About The Course

Are you interested in becoming a programmer, but don’t know where to begin? If yes, then this is your starting point. The Front End Web Development Bootcamp is an online course that teaches you the fundamentals of front end web development. By the time you finish, you’ll have complete mastery of the languages and frameworks of the front end web.

Who Is This Course For?

Parents who want to give their children a head start in computer studies at school.​ Aligns with the K-12 curriculum proposed in the National Education Policy 2020 for web development with HTML.​ Web development is terrific starting point for any aspiring developer. It requires minimal experience and hardware to get started (just your laptop!).​

Course Objectives

What you'll learn as you build upon your programming skills :

This course teaches you the fundamentals of HTML and CSS. The most important thing to get a job as a web developer is your portfolio, and we build real world projects that you can claim as your own!

Each video is detail oriented. We spend a lot of time taking complex subjects and breaking them down into smaller chunks that make it easier to understand.



4D Learning

4D Learning

4D learning powered by Stem Center Ace

STEM Center ACE, is a globally recognised ed-tech firm providing futuristic learning programs and support to a diverse community of STEM learners and future entrepreneurs in the age group of 6-17 years with an aim at channeling your learning identities into future-ready professions which include over 50+ course levels in Robotics, Coding, 3D Design & Mindfulness.

“4D Learning” is at the core of our forward-thinking tech education framework that provides ample opportunities to Aspire, Create & Exceed (ACE) in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics) knowledge.

Just as Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics are the core pillars of any society, so does our '4D Learning' framework integrate all the four dimensions - Feeling Intrigued, Ideate Intuitively, Initiate solution & harness Ingenuity for real-life problem solving.